glowbees for Employers

Increase cultural fit, retention and productivity

Glowbees golden logo

glowbees is a new type of early careers recruitment platform

A young woman cupping her hand to her ear

When recruiting school and college leavers, we know that identifying candidates with the right skills is critical, as is the right attitude for work1. glowbees measures aptitude by identifying and developing cognitive, digital, self-leadership, and interpersonal skills, while also tracking achievements on the platform to show the latent potential of individuals

A group of young people learning soft skills

No-one else is doing it like this. Most platforms are simply an extension of the traditional CV. We deliver better diversity recruitment through the high scalability and accessibility of our online model that reaches a broader and deeper talent pool, and provides richer candidate data, that improves recruitment campaign outcomes through better matching.

A young man using the glowbees app

Employers get standard features like automated job listings and brand campaigns. But you also get datasets on jobseeker values that allow you to showcase your own values, build company profiles that appeal to GenZ, and adapt them in real-time to keep up with fast changing trends.

What’s more, you can even track how your brand benchmarks on diversity and engagement, comparing yourself against competitor brands. All of this results in better candidate suitability, increased employee engagement and retention, lower HR costs, and ultimately greater competitive advantage for your business.

Introducing the glowbees app

Introducing the glowbees dashboard

A screenshot of the glowbees employer dashboard
Flexible dashboards focused on core metrics and insights
Flexible dashboards focused on core metrics and insights
View current profile matches along with acquisition and engagement metrics
A screenshot of the glowbees employer dashboard
View current profile matches along with acquisition and engagement metrics
Glowbees golden logo

Want to hear more about building inclusive talent pipelines?


  1. Skills for an Inclusive Economy (CBI, 2021)